No, it is NOT NORMAL for people to circle others 6 feet away when passing casually in the street. We usually call that germaphobia … or fear of getting mugged.

It is NOT NORMAL for people to walk around with faces covered with cloth.
That’s called robbing a bank.

It’s NOT NORMAL to turn on news and hear about only one topic.
That’s state-controlled media.

It’s NOT NORMAL for thousands of people in one city – too many of them underserved minorities – to die of the same disease in one week while certain so-called news people tell their believing listeners it’s not happening.
Have you heard of Holocaust deniers and The Flat Earth Society?

It’s NOT NORMAL for people to go weeks without a kiss from a lover. Or a hug from grandma. A visit from your sister or brother. Catching a movie with your BFF. The chance to lay your head on your aging mother’s shoulder.

This simply does not even approach any kind of normal.