What is it about Coney Island that causes temporary insanity in New Yorkers?
Is it that first sight of the Cyclone as you walk down Surf Avenue? It looms above, foreboding yet strangely alluring, daring you to climb its heights and plunge its depths. On a clackety wood track, with one mere “safety” bar across your thighs, that first drop and sharp left waiting below leaves your stomach 85 feet above and you bruised. And we shell out $12 for this less-than-two-minutes privilege!

We walk down streets with city-smarts turned on, but happily surrender to the Jules Verne-like creatures who seek out human beings, grabbing us in long limbs then spinning us around and around, up high, where our feet dangle helplessly in the air. These creatures are most active in summer, late in the afternoon.

We heed the voices that demand we go high into outer space and hover with the birds. And foolishly ignore the worries about flying off.

Jealous of others who proudly brag about surviving, we search for even higher highs. Look! See those cute fuzzy animals hanging by their feet! Why not me, too?

Rocketing upside-down seems – inexplicably – in this dreamlike environment like a super-fun idea. To hell with everyday common sense that tells us to beware the gap and watch out for the moving platform.! Instead, we say YES! YES! YES! to the Thunderbolt!
BTW, did you know there are two Thunderbolts? The relatively mild Thunder (space) Bolt travels in a tight circle at light speed.

This is the other. You definitely don’t want to mix them up. (What a difference spelling makes!)

It’s probably a good thing they don’t really let the cars get this close 🙂
And see that mushroom-like structure rising in the distance? It teases us. We’ll never know its long-gone thrills.

My mother claims she actually rode this Parachute ride when she was a teenager. Do you think that’s really true?
Just look skyward and judge for yourself. I have my doubts.

See you again soon!